
Personalwerbung 2024
Are you interested in the police profession? Talk to our recruiters at Wuppertal Police Headquarters!

Our recruiters Jennifer Paetz, Eva Haderlein and Jessica Melzer will be happy to advise you:

  • the recruitment requirements
  • the selection process
  • the dual study program and the police technical college (FOS)
  • the sporting requirements
  • the day-to-day work
  • the career opportunities in the police force and much more


In addition, the recruiters offer:

  • individual consultation appointments, including outside office hours
  • fair/school and career information events
  • support during the application phase
  • coordination/consultation/acceptance of applications for school internships
  • contact persons for all prospective employees
  • comprehensive information package on the police as a career


Questions about the police profession? We also offer face-to-face appointments at the BIZ Wuppertal and Solingen.

Dream job police officer - but still have questions about recruitment requirements, selection procedures, studies, sporting aptitude, everyday working life or career opportunities?

Our colleagues from the recruitment department will be happy to help!

The next presentations followed by a Q&A session will take place on the following dates:


BIZ Wuppertal (Hünefeldstr. 10a, 42285 Wuppertal)

  • Thursday, 22.02.24
  • Thursday, 18.04.24
  • Thursday, 13.06.24
  • Thursday, 22.08.24
  • Thursday, 10.10.24
  • Thursday, 12.12.24, each at 14:30

BIZ Solingen (Kamper Str. 35, 42699 Solingen)

  • Thursday, 18.01.24, 14:30
  • Tuesday, 19.03.24, 14:00
  • Thursday, 16.05.24, 14:30 (CANCELLED!)
  • Thursday, 11.07.24, 14:30 (summer vacations)
  • Thursday, 05.09.24, 16:00
  • Thursday, 21.11.24, 14:00
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