Streifenwagen vor Schwebebahn
Police on site
If you or others are in distress, dial 110! Information on this and other ways to contact the police in Wuppertal, Remscheid and Solingen can be found here.
Police on site
Overview of police stations. In an emergency, dial 110!
The complaints management team is your point of contact for complaints or suggestions regarding police work in the city triangle of Wuppertal, Remscheid and Solingen.
Victim protection and victim support are integral parts of police work in North Rhine-Westphalia. The victim protection officers help victims of crime as well as victims of traffic accidents and other harmful incidents.
Crime and traffic accident prevention of the Wuppertal police
Are you interested in the police profession? Talk to our recruiters at Wuppertal Police Headquarters!
Information on the registration procedure for public assemblies or demonstrations.
The Central Tasks Department (ZA) 1.2 at Wuppertal Police Headquarters is responsible for questions and applications relating to firearms law in the Bergisch city-triangle
Hier veröffentlicht die Kreispolizeibehörde Wuppertal Öffentliche Zustellungen.
Vertrauliche und nachweisbare Kommunikation ist mit De-Mail möglich.
Here you will find the addresses and contact details of the police authorities in NRW.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110