The control center: free hotline for emergencies

Internet watch
The control center: free hotline for emergencies
The police emergency number is a free hotline for any emergency situation. An emergency fax is available for deaf people to download.

110 - Help in an emergency

If you or others are in distress - dial 110! The number 110 connects you to the police control center free of charge, whether from a landline or cell phone. Please note that when you dial 110 on your cell phone, you will not automatically reach the local control center.

On the phone, state WHO is calling, WHAT has happened and WHERE it has happened. Don't just hang up, but wait for further questions!

Command and situation service

Would you have known? The Operations Control Center is the central point for dialing the emergency number 110 for the Bergisch city triangle of Remscheid, Solingen and Wuppertal. Around 165,000 emergency calls are answered here around the clock every year. Almost 133,000 calls are coordinated from here and passed on to the patrols via the relevant police stations in Wuppertal, Remscheid or Solingen using state-of-the-art control center technology so that all police measures can be taken as quickly as possible.

The situation management service carries out analytical evaluations of operational events in order to plan the efficient and effective deployment of police forces.
The command and situation service is also a central office for the Wuppertal police headquarters for the evaluation, processing and targeted control of all electronic messages that are received here, among other things, as concerns of the citizens of the Bergisch cities, but also concern the exchange of information with numerous state and local authorities.

Emergency fax

For deaf citizens, the police have an emergency fax machine available in the emergency call center. The FAX number for Wuppertal, Remscheid and Solingen is: 0202 284-5555.


Translated with (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110