Complaints management

Bild PP Drohne
Complaints management
The complaints management team is your point of contact for complaints or suggestions regarding police work in the city triangle of Wuppertal, Remscheid and Solingen.
PHK Staschok, ZA 2.3

Unless you believe that

  • If you believe that
  • a police measure was unlawful

you have the option of contacting us (see contact person).


In order to be able to clarify the matter comprehensively, please help us by providing us with as much detailed information as possible regarding the reason for your complaint and your contact details.


We would like to point out that your submission will be processed independently of administrative or appeal proceedings. You must therefore observe the relevant deadlines for filing legal remedies (e.g. objections, administrative court actions, etc.) yourself.


If civil, disciplinary and/or criminal matters are pending in connection with the facts of your complaint, complaints management can generally only take action once the proceedings have been concluded. You will be informed accordingly.


In principle, we see justified complaints and suggestions as a constructive means of identifying errors and constantly improving.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110