Kick-off event a strong signal!

Interview mit innenminister Herbert Reul in Wuppertal
Kick-off event a strong signal!
Historical advisory board founded
Regional center for police history planned in Wuppertal. History advisory board founded on 22.09.2019 in Wuppertal
Press Office/Public Relations

"Rheinisch-Bergisches Zentrum für Polizeigeschichte" advisory board meets for the first time

The Rhenish-Bergisch Center for Police History is to become a "place of learning and education" for police officers and citizens in the Bergisches Land region. With this goal in mind and with the expectation of building something that will have a lasting impact beyond the borders of Wuppertal, Solingen and Remscheid, Police Chief Markus Röhrl welcomed Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul and others to the police headquarters last Sunday. Among the guests were also the members of the advisory board, which is intended to bring "civic-mindedness, professional expertise and a critical perspective" to the training center, according to Röhrl. "They are the link between the police and the citizens of Bergisch!"

In his speech, Interior Minister Reul summarized the importance of the content and the motivation to get involved in this project in one sentence. "The police are responsible for remembering". He made it clear that "the authorities are already doing a lot to raise awareness, but if there is an opportunity to include such historically significant places, then you have to make use of it". He also left no doubt that he is convinced of the success of the Rheinisch-Bergisch Center for Police History: "It will work if all sides work together".

The head of the project, Klaus Theisen, then gave a historical tour of the building. Whether it was the painting "The Modern Era", the polished window panes in the stairwell or the impressive Room 300 - the visitors were fascinated by the historical documents and how they fit into the historical events during the tour.

In the subsequent advisory board meeting, the members discussed the goals, milestones and wishes associated with this pioneering project in the presence of the Minister of the Interior. Close cooperation with the NRW State Office for Police Training and Further Education, the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and the Ministry of the Interior will be an important aspect of further planning.

In addition to the fact that a great deal of work lies ahead of those responsible, as a large number of historical documents still need to be viewed, cataloged and evaluated, it has already become clear that the "Rheinisch-Bergisches Zentrum für Polizeigeschichte" project will make a significant contribution to political education - including for schoolchildren and citizens - in the Bergisch city-triangle and beyond!

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