Markus Röhrl
Police Commissioner Markus Röhrl
Press and Public Relations, PP Wuppertal

About the person

A native of Düsseldorf, Markus Röhrl worked in a law firm after completing his 2nd state examination in law. In 1995, he joined the higher police service of the NRW police force. His official stations were: Head of a police inspection in Cologne, Head of the Organized Crime Group and Head of State Security in Bonn, Head of Division in the Ministry of the Interior and responsible for international police cooperation. Later, as head of department at the NRW State Office of Criminal Investigation, he was responsible for the state-wide fight against computer crime, among other things. Before his appointment as Chief of Police in January 2018, he was most recently Head of the Crime Prevention Directorate at Düsseldorf Police Headquarters. Markus Röhrl is married and has two children.



Dear citizens!


The Bergisch city-triangle is one of the safest regions in NRW. We are constantly working hard to achieve this. We need a professional, reliable and well-equipped police force. You not only have a justified claim to our full commitment - you can also support us as a partner! We need your trust and your willingness to approach us whenever you feel it is necessary.


I look forward to our "collaboration"!


Markus Röhrl


Wuppertal Police Headquarters

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110